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Aechmea nudicaulis 'Parati'

Aechmea nudicaulis 'Parati' is a cultivar of nudicaulis. This cultivar is a very popular nudicaulis due to its very interesting coloring and markings and its extremely low price, Most notable are its frosty banding set on a bright green leaf surface. Add to that a very pleasing red blush is scattered throughout the leaf surfaces, both on top and on the bottom of the leaf surfaces. Add to that is its tubular growth habit and its stoloniferous clumping nature, it makes for a great display both in pots and as a tropical or subtropical landscape plant. Averaging 12" - 14" in height, this plant needs good strong filtered light for best color and shape. This plant is also great for mounting as it will attach itself readily to a wood surface,

Multiple plant clump shown. Buyer receives one offset.

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